This is how Apple described iPhone demand in China on their first quarter conference call. Demand is staggering. It’s “off the charts”. They could have sold more but were way too conservative. Apple is pretty much one of the most widely watched stocks so there is no point in my going over the details here,…
Category: Uncategorized
Olympus, Nomura, Sony: What’s Wrong with Japan
So we see every day why Japan has so much trouble getting out of it’s long slump. There was an article recently talking about how the lost decade in Japan is actually a myth, and that the reality is that Japan has done better than we all think since the bubble popped in 1990. Yes,…
Dimon on CNBC
Jamie Dimon, CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase (JPM) was on CNBC yesterday and reiterated that the current stress test banks are undergoing in the U.S. will be a non-issue for JPM. This is not new news, but it is interesting that he said that JPM will have a Tier 1 common equity ratio of 7-8%…
Hot Stock Tip?!
This is apparently a real post card from Buffett according to Fortune magazine. Buffett did comment on it so it’s real. Notice on the list is the stock Google! Charlie Munger has spoken very highly of GOOG in the recent past and Buffett has become less anti-tech (with his $10 billion+ purchase of IBM) so…
2492: Infomart
Here’s another “Mothers” market stock I came across in my little CEO book (book of 40 or so “Mothers” market entreprenuer CEOs). Only this time, something stood out so I decided to look into it a little bit. In this case, the news isn’t good. When you dig through thousands of tiny stocks, 99.8% of…
2127: Nihon M&A Center
I was flipping through a book I bought a while ago while I was in Japan; it’s a book about 41 CEO’s of companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s “Mothers” market which is a sort of entrepreneurs’ exchange. The Mothers market was created to try to have a marketplace where young entrepreneurial companies can list…
Buffett Likes Japan
I was going through my stack of unread magazines, newspapers, newsletters, notes etc… and came across a Nikkei Weekly from November, when Buffett was in Japan. He has said before that Japan is getting interesting because it is getting cheap. After the earthquake/tsunami in March 2011, he also said it’s a time to buy Japan,…
Happy New Year! (and resolutions)
So, here is my new year’s resolution: turn over more rocks this year. A LOT more. The process of investing is pretty much just looking for interesting things to do. The more situations you look at, the more chance you have of running into an interesting idea. I have to admit that in the past…
YHOO Deal?
There is talk out there that Softbank and Alibaba is going to bid $17 billion for Yahoo’s Asian holdings in some sort of tax free deal. I don’t know what the real term sheet looks like, it was just on CNBC. But let’s take a quick look to jot down some of th facts. Here’s…
JEF Up 20%
So it’s nice to see Jefferies Group (JEF) stock up 20% today to just over $14.00 after dipping below $10.00 at one point in November. Despite the panic and near-run on JEF due to a faulty report be Egan-Jones, JEF managed to make money in the quarter. The market is relieved and the stock price…