Another post! Don’t assume this is going to be the normal frequency going forward. I think my previous pace of 1-4 posts a month is the best you should expect. Anyway, I came across (again) a scary looking chart, and I hear people screaming to sell everything now, so I thought I’d revisit the issue…
Category: Uncategorized
Record Valuation Spreads!
It’s been a while, I know. I was browsing around the net as usual and came across something that was at the back of my mind for a while now and it was graphically illustrated convincingly so I thought it would be a great excuse to break radio silence here. Which, by the way, is…
JPM Annual Report 2015
It’s been a while since I last posted. The only explanation, I suppose, is inertia. When you post a lot, you post a lot. When you don’t post for a while, then you stop posting. It’s true I started getting busy in September last year (kid/family stuff, mostly, so good stuff). And then you just…
Seriously, I am not stalking Lou Simpson at all (or at least any more than any other ‘great’ investor). But this sort of jumped out at me. It’s sort of old news as the 13-F’s came out in November. Sometimes, some investors just buy or own stuff that just resonates with me, like that time…
Superinvestor Portfolio Winners and Losers
This is sort of just an administrative post: I added to the ‘pages’ section a winners and losers sort of the Superinvestor portfolios. This, I guess, is the companion to the Superinvestor screens. It’s just sorts the stocks in the portfolio by year-to-date returns. I’m guessing with all of the volatility in the markets these…
12% Dividend Yield?! (Och-Ziff Capital Management Group (OZM))
The alternative management companies have been getting crushed in the recent correction. A lot of these guys were trading ‘cheap’ to begin with so I was wondering if there was some opportunity here. I’ve talked about some of these in the past, but other than OAK, have not invested in any of them. That’s mostly…
The Charles Schwab Corporation (SCHW)
So, it looks like Lou Simpson added a bunch of Charles Schwab (SCHW) to his portfolio, making it the top holding as of the end of June; he increased his position almost 50%. I am not stalking Simpson in particular, but I just happened to notice this and SCHW is a name that I am…
Mondelez International (MDLZ)
Bill Ackman apparently took a humongous position in MDLZ. The stock price popped up 5%-7% at first but went back to unchanged as the market tanked. And today, the stock is actually down a little. I guess it popped up on comments that Kraft-Heinz/3G would be interested in making a bid for MDLZ, and…
China Crash -> U.S. Crash?! and Great Book
A lot of people are talking about how bad China is. It’s worse than the U.S. 2007, it’s worse than Greece, it’s worse than this or that. It seems like the big China bubble is blowing up. But so what, right? Who cares what happens over there. Yes, the prices got crazy, but as long…
Brookfield Asset Management (BAM)
This name has been mentioned on this blog a few times in the comments section, but I never wrote about it. It is well known in the value investing community and I said I’ll make a post about it in the near future so here it is. First of all, BAM is sort of an…