So this is sort of a footnote to the previous post about a really great book. (The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success. ) In chapter one (page 34), Thorndike mentions the TransDigm Group (TDG) as a contemporary analog for Capital Cities. TDG has grown cash flow at 25%/year since…
Category: Uncategorized
A Really Great Book: The Outsiders
This is old news as this book was recommended by Warren Buffett in Berkshire Hathaway’s 2012 annual report. I knew it was going to be a great book, but it was sitting in my big pile all year until this past weekend. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. Not surprisingly, it…
Liberty Media Investor Day 2013
So Liberty Media (LMCA) had their investor day last week. I wasn’t there but the investor day webcast is available with a slide presentation at the LMCA website. There was some fun stuff in the beginning (with a disturbing slide of Greg Maffei doing some sort of dance) and then Maffei (LMCA), Meyer (Sirius XM), Rutledge (Charter)…
The Market is Fairly Valued!
So this valuation thing has been nagging at me all weekend so I just decided to take a quick look at something. Since the S&P 500 index is too big and unwieldy and I don’t have access to data, I just decided to take a look at the Dow. Last time I looked at margins…
Tapering, Market Overvaluation etc…
For the record, I do agree with Stanley Druckenmiller who said the other day on Bloomberg TV (or CNBC) that the Fed blew it by not tapering. It was in the market already that they would so it was a freebie. But anyway, the market has been obsessed with tapering lately. The Fed is buying $85…
Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. (TPRE)
So Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. (TPRE) filed their S-1 recently. This is basically part of a move by hedge funds to seek ‘permanent capital’, like Einhorn’s Greenlight Re (GLRE). The insurance business is only ramping up now so there isn’t much to chew on in terms of analysis. Like GLRE, the key is going…
Leucadia National Annual Meeting 2013
So I did make it to the Leucadia National (LUK) annual meeting this year. As usual, these aren’t comprehensive notes or anything like that. These are just some loose notes on certain things. I didn’t take detailed notes so some things might be a little off here and there, but I don’t think I…
13% and 15% Pretax Returns Now!
Banks/financials have been announcing earnings and they have been looking pretty good even though there is debate about the quality of some of the earnings (reserve releases etc.). There is a lot to talk about but I just thought I’d make a quick update on Wells Fargo (WFC) and J.P. Morgan (JPM) as I have…
Yahoo – Alibaba Group
So I can’t believe it’s been more than a month since my last post. This was not an intended leave or anything like that, time just flew by. Preparing for the summer, going away and things like that. Anyway, I do intend to keep posting here regularly. Hopefully I don’t have a gap of an…
60% Yield! (CWGL: Crimson Wine Group)
So Barron’s had an article about Crimson Wine Group (CWGL) last weekend. It’s a nice, small, ignored Leucadia (LUK) spinoff. I talk about LUK so much that I feel like I have to say something about CWGL. I looked at it like everyone else and just sort of shrugged; what am I supposed to do…